Code as Art, Art as Code

Felienne .

Short workshop - in English

Ever since she saw a Rietveld chair at the age of 11, Felienne has wondered what is and what is not art? 
Can code be a piece of art? Like a book or a chair, it is useful, so why not? 
But also, like art, code is a representation of the world around us. So in a sense, source code as we now see it is prose, or realism. What could come next? 
Can we write program poetry? Can lines of code rhyme? What is surrealistic quick sort, or cubistic CRUD operation? 
In this workshop, we will write "artsy" code together. Felienne has prepared exercises and artworks---code and traditional art---to study together.
A new and fun way to think about programming (and art!)
This also means that participants will need to bring laptops, could you update that too on the website?
Participant requirements: Bring a laptop with at least one programming language on it you are comfortable in. It does not matter which one! 

Primarily for: Developers, Tester/test leads, Project managers, Architects, UX specialists, Security professionals, Product developers, Managers, Scrum masters, Agile coaches, Designers

Participant requirements: Laptops with at least one programming language installed. Please bring a pen as well