Our speakers

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Ole-Martin Mørk


Ole-Martin has worked in the Tech industry since 2000.

He has been involved with Norway's biggest companies in the fields of finance, telecom and logistics. In these projects he has worked as Lead Developer, Lead Architect and Team Leader.

His main focus is cloud computing, nosql, distributed computing, machine learning and lean architecture. He is also co-hosting the Bekk Open Podcast where they talk about technology and how technology will impact norwegian companies.

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Nina Dang

UX Designer

I'm Nina and User Experience Design is my calling. It's the jelly to my peanut butter, the Zelda to my Link. I strive for clarity, embrace complexity and get a rush of happiness at the sight of user satisfaction. At IBM, every day I learn a little more about the wonderful world of DevOps and utilize design thinking to bake fresh ideas and create delightful experiences.

Nina blogs at http://ninadang.com/

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Sveinung Dalatun

Senior Consultant

Works as a senior consultant at BEKK. Practice lead for BEKK's focus group on Continuous Delivery and DevOps.

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Alexandra Leisse

Head of User Experience and Design

Alexandra spent 10 years living big drama on opera stages before making her way into KDE and launching her tech career as community manager for Qt in Oslo. She is the founder and co-organiser of the Rails Girls chapter in Oslo, and a proud Web Rebel. Currently, she moves sticky notes for Ardoq.

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Nils Norman Haukås

Developer at Netlife Research Bergen

Interaction designer by education, programmer by trade.

I love (deleted || maintainable) code.

Nils Norman blogs at https://nilsnh.no/

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Austin Knight

Senior UX Designer at HubSpot

Austin Knight is a Senior UX Designer, speaker, and author based out of Boston and Rio de Janeiro. He currently oversees the UX for HubSpot.com, INBOUND.com, the HubSpot Blog, and a range of additional front-end web properties and tools, which are used by more than 8 million visitors per month. He mentors students and startup founders at Columbia University in New York, co-hosts the UX and Growth Podcast in Boston, leads a study on South American design in Rio de Janeiro, and speaks at events all around the world. His latest work and in-depth design essays are published at AustinKnight.com.

Austin blogs at https://austinknight.com/

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Steinar Dragsnes

Senior Consultant

Steinar holds a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Bergen (2003), specialising in LMS and AI. He has worked for 15 years with software development and 10 of these years in the domain of electricity markets and power generation. During his professional time, Steinar has held various technical roles; developer, team lead, scrum master, architect and, in his last job, CTO at Aquiloz. Steinar is especially passionate about agile practices and software architecture.

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Jon Arild Tørresdal

DevOps and Cloud Advisor

Jon Arild Tørresdal is a speaker, advisor and consultant working for Miles in Bergen, Norway. In the last decade he has worked with development and operations using Lean practices for a number of companies to fully automate their deployment and infrastructure processes. As a result of his work he created the open source project ConDep (condep.io) in 2011 to specifically enable and simplify infrastructure automation and continuous delivery on the Windows platform.

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Stein Inge Morisbak


Stein Inge is Head of BEKKs commitment to DevOps and Cloud. He is a true Agile evangelist with almost 20 years of experience in both contributing to, and helping others to become better at producing excellent software together with demanding customers. He is also an experienced speaker at conferences and the founder of DevOps Norway Meetup.

Stein Inge blogs at https://open.bekk.no

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Maxim Salnikov

UI Engineer

Maxim Salnikov is Oslo-based web UI developer, a Google Developer Expert with the strong passion to mobile. He has 10+ years experience in development front-ends for complex web applications. He knows everything about web front-end: starting from user interfaces prototyping, going through HTML/CSS/JS implementation and finishing with architecting RESTful APIs.

Working daily with web front-end technologies he is happy to experiment with the same stack for building hybrid mobile apps using latest hybrid frameworks. On evenings he runs Norway’s largest meetups dedicated to web front-end: Framsia, AngularJS Oslo. Also, he is the leader of Norway's biggest community dedicated to mobile development (Mobile Meetup Oslo) and currently working on organizing Mobile Era 2016 conference for mobile developers.

Maxim likes to travel the world visiting developers events and open for offers to share his experiences and knowledge by speaking at conferences and meetups.

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Torkil Aamodt


Thoroughly motivated for programming, with an unreasonable appreciation of weird backend-problems. Developed a solid interest for neural networks and machine learning after doing a master thesis on the subject.

Torkil blogs at http://open.bekk.no

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Fredrik Johnsson

UX Designer

Is a migrated Swede that enjoys jumping in at the deep end of the pool to keep things interesting. He like to dabble with Evil design to know the darker sides of experience design. With a diverse background he often finds himself contributing outside his core areas of design in the projects. Currently residing at Elkjøp Nordic he works with customer experience from digital to physical and back.

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Simon Brown

Independent consultant

Simon is an independent consultant specializing in software architecture, and the author of "Software Architecture for Developers" (a developer-friendly guide to software architecture, technical leadership and the balance with agility). He’s also the creator of the C4 software architecture model and the founder of Structurizr, which is a collection of open source and commercial tooling to help software teams visualise, document and explore their software architecture.

Simon blogs at http://simonbrown.je/

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Anders Breivik

Senior consultant

Anders is a fallen mathematician with over 10 years of experience from his backup plan as a software developer. As a consultant with the Nordic consultancy Knowit, Anders enjoys working with both large critical enterprise systems and small scale mobile solutions. Currently Anders is passionate about drones, IoT and machine learning.

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Matt Barcomb

Matt Barcomb has over 18 years of experience as a product development leader who takes a pragmatic, systems approach to change. He partners with organizations to help leadership teams develop & deploy strategy, optimize product management & development, and evolve traditional HR functions into modern talent development practices.

Matt enjoys challenging mental models, simplifying the seemingly complex, and uncovering the "why" behind the “what”. He shares his experiences and ideas at www.leandog.com or on twitter as @mattbarcomb

Matt blogs at https://www.leandog.com

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Hans Kristian Flaatten

Senior Consultant

Open Source and Container evangelist. Member of the Node.js Foundation where I manage test and release of official Node.js versions and the official Docker Image for Node.js.

Senior Consultant DevOps at EVRY Norway where I build, and optimise, container platforms for efficient application delivery and operation. I streamline the whole delivery chain from push to production; to empower developers and system administrators alike.

Previously Systems Developer / Systems Architect at the Norwegian Trekking Association (DNT) where I lead the transition to a microservice oriented architecture built on immutable infrastructure and Docker Containers.

Organiser of Bergen Open Data, Bergen NoSQL User Group, and Co-Organiser of Lean Coffee Bergen. I speak at various other local, and national, user groups on open source, open data, immutable infrastructure, automation, testing, Node.js, NoSQL, and Docker.

Previously student of informatics at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) where I focus on system engineering, software security and computer networking.

Hans Kristian blogs at https://starefossen.github.io

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Felienne .

Assistant Professor

Felienne is assistant professor at Delft University of Technology, where she researches programming for everyone. Her research has focused on the application of software engineering methods to spreadsheets and to programming for children in Scratch.

One of Felienne's biggest passions in life is to share enthusiasm for programming with others. She teaches a group of kids Lego Mindstorms programming every Saturday, serves on the board of Devnology, a Dutch developer community that organizes monthly meetings on all things software, and is one of the founders of the Joy of Coding conference, a one day developer conference in Rotterdam celebrating the joy and art of programming. If she is not coding, blogging and teaching, she is probably dancing Lindy Hop, out running, watching a movie or playing a (board)game.

Felienne blogs at http://www.felienne.com

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Alexander Valland Strømme

AD / Ux designer

Alexander Valland Strømme is educated as a photographer but has worked as an interaction/UX designer since 2005. He has worked for Neolab, Knowit and Manipulation in Copenhagen, where he has held positions as art director and UX designer. He loves designing solutions for complex projects and will often use new technologies to develop and communicate his ideas. In recent years, Alexander has worked on a range of solutions for customers such as Reckitt Benckiser, Gillette, Duracell, Sony, BMW, TV2, Sparebanken Vest og Bergen Kommune.

Alexander Valland blogs at http://stroemme.net

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Inger Elise Overå

Konsulent og teamleder Bouvet

Utvikler av bakgrunn. Jobber som teamleder og rådgiver innenfor smidig metodikk og teamledelse.
Lang fartstid i bransjen.

Inger Elise blogs at https://utbrudd.bouvet.no

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Pawel Brodzinski

Leader of Lunar Logic

Pawel Brodzinski is a leader, an organization designer, and a change agent, but most of all he is a constantly experimenting practitioner who helps his teams to work better (and learn in the process).

He leads Lunar Logic, a professional-services web-development company, where he practices what he preaches. This makes working with Lunar Logic an exceptional experience as it is the organization with fully distributed autonomy and no managers.

He shares his thoughts on broadly understood, software project management on his blog. Pawel is passionate about building great teams, creating superb organizational culture, and helping people to grow.

Pawel blogs at http://brodzinski.com/

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Natalie Pistunovich

Backend Developer

Natalie is a public speaker and Backend Developer at adjust. Prior to that she was part of the Silicon Integration team at Intel, and graduated with a B.Sc. in Computer and Software Engineering from the Technion. In her free time she organizes the Golang Berlin meetups, leads the Berlin chapter of Women Techmakers and a sailor.

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Marius Hauken


Marius lever for design for skjerm, og synes det som ligger bak nettsider er like spennende som det som ligger foran. Han blir vel så begeistret for smart markup som for elegante designløsninger. Marius er et skikkelig ordensmenneske, og det ser du igjen i SCSS-arkitekturen og hvordan han bygger opp nettsidene sine.

Marius blogs at http://hauken.io

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Mads Opheim

Senior kunnskapsingeniør og lead developer i Computas

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Eirik Bell

Developer, solution architect and Nerdschool organizer

Eirik is currently a consultant at Bouvet Bergen. With 8 years of experience as full-stack developer and solution architect, Eirik is especially interested in code quality, automation, security and fault tolerance.

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Ingar Almklov

Senior Consultant

Ingar has been working as a developer for 5 years, primarily with .Net and web.
He got exposed to functional programming through F# and is now trying to use that as much as possible when on the .Net platform.

On the frontend side of things, Elm is Ingar's main focus. He discovered the joy of Elm two years ago and is now a co-organizer of the Oslo Elm Meetup. He loves telling people about it and showing others that there is a world outside of JavaScript.

At work he is currently spending the days as the frontend tech-lead on a project with 15 developers, managing a large multi-page React/Redux/TypeScript application.

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Janet Gregory

Agile testing coach and process consultant.

Janet Gregory is an agile testing coach and process consultant with DragonFire Inc. She is the co-author with Lisa Crispin of Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams (Addison-Wesley, 2009), and More Agile Testing: Learning Journeys for the Whole Team (Addison-Wesley 2014). She is also a contributor to 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know. Janet specializes in showing agile teams how testers can add value in areas beyond critiquing the product; for example, guiding development with business-facing tests. Janet works with teams to transition to agile development, and teaches agile testing courses and tutorials worldwide. She contributes articles to publications and enjoys sharing her experiences at conferences and user group meetings around the world. For more about Janet’s work and her blog, visit www.janetgregory.ca. You can also follow her on twitter @janetgregoryca.

Janet blogs at http://www.janetgregory.ca

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Wenche Tollevsen

Frontend developer

Wenche works as a developer at Miles in Bergen, currently in house helping different customers out with web applications. She has 10 years experience in building for the web, and is passionate for the small details in the user interfaces.

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Andreas Jacobsen

Building solid systems one outage at a time

Andreas Jacobsen is tech lead for Web Solutions at Posten. He enjoys programming and self-referential jokes. He does not enjoy writing about himself in the third person.

Andreas blogs at https://andreasjacobsen.com

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Jan-Erik Rediger

Jan-Erik studied Computer Science in Aachen, Germany and Stavanger, Norway.
He's an Rust enthusiast, member of the global Rust Community team and organizer of a Rust conference.
When he's not studying, organizing or coding, he might use his time to travel the world and hopefully Norway again soon.

Jan-Erik blogs at https://fnordig.de/

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Anne Landro


Anne Landro har jobbet med systemutvikling i mange år. Den siste tiden har hun hatt mest fokus på det funksjonelle aspektet av det å lage gode systemer. Hun liker godt å prøve forskjellige roller, og trives best når hun kan få en god forståelse av helheten og behovene bak et system.

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Karianne Berg

Developer and general manager at Rubynor

Karianne Berg lives and works in Bergen as a Ruby developer and general manager for the product- and startup consulting company Rubynor. She loves contributing to the development community, both on and off stage. She used to help organize this very conference, and has also done her share of conference speaking. Karianne's main fields of interest includes sustainable development practices, handling legacy code and agile. When she's not being a geek, she enjoys attacking people with swords. OK, admittedly that's a bit geeky, too.

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Einar Høst

Ivory tower expat

Einar W. Høst is an unapologetic ivory tower zealot who does domain modelling and computer programming at NRK. His heretic views include thinking before programming and making drawings to understand things better. This arrogant mindset no doubt stems from years of isolation from the real world while obtaining a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Oslo.

Einar blogs at http://einarwh.wordpress.com

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Andrea Provaglio

Agile Organizational Coach

I help IT organizations to implement better ways of doing business; and I coach executives, managers and teams who want to improve technically and relationally.

My main focus is on helping companies to transition to organizational and cultural models that are better suited to the kind of knowledge work that's so typical of software development -- which includes, but it's not limited to, Agile and Lean.

In over 20 years of professional experience, I had clients in three different continents and I worked with organizations ranging from the United Nations to small and dynamic IT companies.

Currently I work in Europe. I've also worked in the USA on a O-1 visa for "extraordinary abilities in Sciences”.

As part of my regular activities, I enjoy sharing what I know by speaking at major international conferences.

More information is available at:
* http://andreaprovaglio.com/about
* http://linkedin.com/in/provaglio
* http://lanyrd.com/profile/andreaprovaglio/

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Tore Rasmussen

Co-creator Playing Lean

Tore is an entrepreneur as well as a Lean Startup advisor. He is on the founding team of Remove AS (Norway´s biggest tattoo removal chain) and co-founder of Playing Lean, the successful gamified teaching tool which became the most funded Scandinavian board game on Kickstarter in 2015, (with over 89 certified facilitators all over the world), from Dubai, Russia to Europe and Latin America. Tore also based his master thesis in entrepreneurship and innovation on the learning outcome of Playing Lean.

In addition to being an entrepreneur he is also a guest lecturer on Lean Startup at the Norwegian university at Ås, NMBU. Together with Bruno, Tore is also in charge of organising Lean Startup Norway, which is part of the Lean Startup circle.

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Audun Strand

Lead Developer Infrastructure

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Erik Wendel

Fagleder for Webarkitektur i BEKK

Erik jobber med store webapplikasjoner i Oslo for BEKK Consulting. De siste årene har han utviklet nett- og mobilbank for SpareBank1 ved hjelp av React og Redux, samt holdt foredrag og workshops om JavaScript og frontend-tematikk i både inn- og utland.

I den siste tiden har Erik blitt stadig mer forelsket i funksjonell programmering, og er nysgjerrig på hvorvidt Elm kan fungere som et reellt alternativ til dagens stadig mer rotete JavaScript-stack for store webapps.

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Øyvind Ingebrigtsen Øvergaard

Developer, ops-er and everything in between-er. Currently interested
in leveraging modern infrastructure to build robust systems that
support delivering applications continuously. Has been working on a
Kubernetes based platform for applications in FINN and Schibsted for
the past year.

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Marcus Ahnve

Technical Principal

I am a programmer since the early eighties and have built stuff for the web since the nineties. These days my main interests are in server automation and Clojure. In my day job I help organizations with all aspects around architecture and development.

Marcus blogs at http://marcusahnve.org

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Rizwan Javaid

User Experience Designer

Rizwan is a User Experience Designer with 10+ years experience creates intuitive, persuasive, and profitable user experiences for both web and mobile. He has worked with global brands such as PayPal, Allstate, Quicken, Holland America, and Riverbed. He is also a speaker and loves sharing his passion for sketching at meetups and conferences. Rizwan is the creator of the UX Alphabet app (App Store), a handy reference app of UX concepts and methods.

When he isn't designing, he is usually at home drawing dinosaurs and cars, dinosaurs in cars, and other combinations of dinosaurs and cars with his twin boys.

Rizwan blogs at http://www.rizwanjavaid.com

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Rico Huijbers

Software Development Engineer

Rico is a software development Jack-of-all-Trades, who loves programming languages and hates web development (but can't stop talking about either).

These days he's doing distributed systems in C++ at work and noodling in Python or Rust at home.

Rico blogs at http://rix0r.nl/

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James Lewis

Principal Consultant

James is a member of the ThoughtWorks Technical Advisory Board, the group that creates the ThoughtWorks Technology Radar, he contributes to industry adoption of open source and other tools, techniques, platforms and languages.

For the last few years he has been working as a coding architect on projects built using microservices; exploring new patterns and ways of working as he goes. He rather likes the fact that he got to describe his take on things jointly with Martin Fowler in an article that is influencing how people see the future of software architecture.

In short, he’s a bit of a loudmouth on architecture, programming, organisational design, lean product development and regularly speaks internationally on these and other topics. He's quite keen on hanging out with his family, playing lego with his kids and painting Warhammer miniatures, because nerd.

James blogs at http://www.bovon.org

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Vidar Drageide


Currently working as a Software Security Developer in Skandiabanken after working 6 years as a consultant within information security. A field in which i both hold a degree and some letters. I enjoy alert('working with security'); and having fun while doing so. Hopefully we'll be able to provide a fun workshop, yet again, introducing all those simple and good practices you should employ to ensure securing your customers as best you can.

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Alex Fernández

Senior Developer

Alex Fernandez is a Spanish software engineer with almost 20 years of experience. Currently working as a senior developer at mediasmart, and sometimes as a freelance scalability consultant. Shameless tinkerer since forever, he was seduced by Node.js a couple of years ago, and now eats thousands of requests per second for breakfast.

Alex blogs at http://alexfernandez.github.io/

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Erling Andreas Arnestad

UX designer

Erling Andreas Arnestad is a UX designer at Miles. He studied industrial design at the Queensland University of Technology, and his knowledge and passion of design principles have since been translated to the digital world, where finding simple solutions to complex problems has become his special focus. He has worked on projects for, amongst others, Hafslund, Fjordkraft, TV 2, Norsk Tipping, Brage Finans, Sparebank1, BankID, AVIS and University of Stavanger.

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Natalie Caudell

Product Visual Designer

Natalie Caudell is a visual designer with a passion for user experience (and tacos) living in Austin, Texas. She's currently at IBM working with her design team to help developers and DevOps users monitor the health of their applications. Natalie owns the visual design for the product but has also contributed to multiple style guides and additional design projects across IBM. She's constantly looking for ways to better the designer-developer relationship and learn as much as possible about designing and delivering software.

Natalie blogs at http://www.nataliegcaudell.com

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Anders Hefre

IoT – Googles fysiske web og Apples iBeacon

Jobber til daglig som systemutvikler og fagleder for Java i Bekk. Mine interesser er programmeringsspråk, mobil utvikling og alt av nye teknologier.

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Elad Sofer

Agile coach

Elad is first and foremost a SW engineer, Several years ago he was infected with the agile virus and has not been able to “shake the disease” ever since. He is now traveling across the IT industry with a mission to infect other people.He is now helping software projects, teams and organizations, varying from small to big, from lightweight startups to government Offices in Israel.

As a certified LeSS (Large Scale Scrum) trainer, Elad is now focusing on working with Large organization to help drive their Agile transformations.

Elad blogs at http://www.practical-agile.com/theblog/less-blog

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Olav Loen

Agile-lean coach / Project manager

Olav is an agile-lean coach / project manager at Miles. He is not able to decide if programming or project management / process improvement should be his main job, so the current compromise is working as a project manager consultant during working hours and lead the company (Friendsta AS) that develops the digital version of the board game Playing Lean in this spare time. This gives plenty of experience in project management, process improvement, lean startup and development.

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Francisco Roque

Senior Consultant

Francisco is a Senior Consultant at Sonat working with Big Data, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning. He has an academic background, with previous experience in a number of startups building solutions on top of Data. He has a deep passion for all technology and is especially interested in solving Big Data and Analytics challenges.

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Dominic Akadimah

Solution Architect

World citizen. Father. IT Architect with over 10 years of experience. Crossfitter. Chelsea and Strømsgodset fan.

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Kjell-Morten Bratsberg Thorsen

Interaction designer, coder, and CEO

Kjell-Morten started out as a developer, studied psychology, became an interaction designer, and are now leading Netlife Research's design team in Bergen. The main theme through all of this is to make technology work for humans.

Kjell-Morten Bratsberg blogs at http://iallenkelhet.no/author/kjellmorten/

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Georgia Spangenberg

Sr. Researcher

Georgia Spangenberg is a Senior Design Researcher putting herself inside the minds of users and designing interactive experiences for them; her credentials, limitless. As a graduate of Temple University with a degree in Psychology specializing in Human Factors, she found the perfect job that enables her to use her skills of analytical thinking, empathy, and design. Her work has ranged from brand campaign digital experiences, to new product launch strategies, to designing large-scale web platforms. She’s presented at UXPA, participated in designing a dashboard for Planet Earth care of the United Nations, and co-authored an encyclopedia article. Besides that – stories, heart man, cats, nature, polaroid cameras, driftwood, architecture.

Georgia blogs at http://www.weareyourdreams.com

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Jørgen Aaberg

Solutions engineer

Konsulent for Iterate, hobby-gründer, kaffeelsker, løper gjerne langt og lenger enn langt.

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Cecilie Haugstvedt

Test lead

Test lead at Computas with a technical background and a love of gadgets.

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Konstantin Loginov

Tech Lead iOS

Konstantin is a senior mobile-developer with 8 years of experience currently working on FotMob app @ NorApps AS. Thoughout these 8 years he's developed & shipped wide range of applications for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, webOS and Windows Mobile and put hands on all trendy mobile-technologies. Being a mobile-minded fanatic, he is passionate about organizing mobile developers community in Oslo.

Konstantin blogs at http://stackoverflow.com/users/1658267/konstantin-loginov

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Ingrid Herigstad

UX designer

I am a UX and interaction designer currently working at Posten and Bring and at the moment trying to wrap my mind around CSS, HTML and JavaScript. I have no interest in limiting what I think user experience design can and should be about, and therefore my interests range from the smallest of micro interactions to tangible interactions in large scale data installations to systems oriented design.

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Kristine Kjellsen

Department manager Bouvet; Psychologist

Psychologist (Cand. Psychol) with specialist degree in organizational psychology. Experienced in business consulting and project management of change initiatives.

Kristine blogs at https://utbrudd.bouvet.no

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Vegard Haugstvedt

Senior Developer

Vegard is a color-blind, full-stack developer (alternating between Java and frontend-code) and has training in Universal Design. He worked on one of the first major projects going live after the Norwegian law of Universal Design went into effect, and draws a lot of experience from that.

There are few better ways of getting him riled up than arguing that Universal Design is not neccessary, and he dreams about the day Universal Design is as much of a given as writing unit tests.

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Rustam Mehmandarov

Principal Engineer

Rustam is the leader of JavaZone and the Norwegian Java User Group - javaBin. Competency network coordinator for databases and information management at work. One of the organizers of Arctic IoT Challenge. Speaker.

He holds a master’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Oslo, and he has been working as a developer, lead programmer and architect for over 10 years. In addition to being passionate about agile development, web development, architecture and geographical information systems, he is also a guru of both Linux and Windows worlds.

On his spare time he enjoys working out, as well as coding in Python and Java [but not simultaneously].

Rustam frequently speaks at both national and international conferences, and events at various Norwegian universities.

Rustam blogs at http://mehmandarov.com

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Daan van Berkel

Daan van Berkel is a enthusiastic software craftsman with a knack for presenting technical details in a clear and concise manner. Driven by the desire for understanding complex matters Daan is always on the lookout for innovative uses of software

Daan blogs at http://fifth-postulate.nl/blog/

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Siv Midtun Hollup

Developer and Nerdschool organiser

Full stack developer at Bouvet with a preference for back-end and devops. Organises Nerdschool in Bergen and uses every opportunity to slip some programming into kids' education.

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Kristoffer Dyrkorn


Kristoffer is a Manager at BEKK Consulting, a leading Norwegian business and technology consulting firm. The latest 15 years he has worked as a developer, project manager and solution architect on large IT projects in Norway. Always being hands-on, he as used a great variety of technologies and solved quite a few mysterious problems. He specializes in pragmatic architectures and scalability and has spoken about usability and architecture at several conferences in Norway, Europe and the US.

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Alyssa Nicoll

I am an energetic, über passionate developer. I am a Google Developer Expert, Web Dev at WeaveUp and I have some Front-End and Angular courses on Code School. I love to learn new things and then share them with others. I Scuba Dive and have a toothless dog named 'Gummy'. My name is Alyssa, come talk sometime.

Alyssa blogs at https://alyssamichelle.svbtle.com/

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Ellen Weber

Secure Developer

Ellen has been working with software development since 2003, wearing a variation of hats. She has been repeatedly described as "above average interested in security". Since this can be an arduous position to be in, she is working on raising that average. She currently does programming for a living, and after over five years of working with Scala, it is still one of her favorite languages.

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Dominick Baier

Dominick Baier is an independent consultant specializing in identity & access control. He helps companies around the world designing & implementing authentication and authorization for their distributed web and native applications. He’s the co-author of the popular OpenID Connect & OAuth 2.0 framework called IdentityServer (http://identityserver.io) , has written a couple of books, blogs at http://leastprivilege.com and tweets as @leastprivilege.

Dominick blogs at http://leastprivilege.com

1 Presentation

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Jørgen Tellnes

Security developer

Jørgen is a Security developer/tech lead at Skandiabanken since 2013.

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Tatiana Kolesnikova

Head of UX and Design

Design and development are not two poles apart. With academic background in both IT and design Tatiana helps all members of her teams connect with each other and reach shared understanding about what exactly is being built. She has studied graphic and interaction design, intellectual computer systems and visualization in IT in universities of St.-Petersburg and Bergen. Tatiana has worked with information architecture, branding and full range UX/UI design both in-house and as an external consultant. All this education and experience became the foundation of the methodology that brings together user-oriented design and Agile development process.

1 Presentation