From accessibility n00b to pro in 1.5 hrs

Vegard Haugstvedt

Short workshop - in English

You have (probably?) heard about accessibility ("universell utforming" in Norwegian), but do you know what it is? How to use it and how to design, develop and test for it? No? Then this is the workshop for you! And even if you are experienced and know what a11y stands for, you might pick up a trick or two.

At some point or another in life, we will all have some form of disability or limited functionality, whether our eyesight worsens, we break an arm or we loose mobililty when we get older. At that point accessibility, or universal design, is going to become very important for our ability to participate in society. And even if we luck out and escape such problems, we all benefit from accessible tools.

If that is not enough, universal design of all websites is enforced by law in Norway since July 1st 2014. For all of us working in the software development business, accessibility is among the most neccessary skills we have, and it is critical that we learn it.

This workshop will guide you through the different phases of software development: concept, design, implementation and testing. You will learn the basics for each phase and we will use hands-on experience and group discussions to learn some of the more important skills we need. You will not only learn what you need to do to create an accessible website, but you will experience what happens if you don't.

The workshop is open for people from all roles of software development, from UX to developers to testers. Even if you do not "know about the technical stuff", you will still learn a thing or two that you can bring back to work after the conference, and the tasks are set up so that you can follow them without being able to code. You will learn about WAI-ARIA, why #04e51e and #f5fc32 should never mingle and how to use a screen reader.

Primarily for: Developers, Tester/test leads, Project managers, UX specialists, Product developers, Managers, Scrum masters, Designers

Participant requirements: A laptop with the newest versions of Chrome and Firefox. Participants should also install the screen reader NVDA beforehand: